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- 2018

Ame Sua Mente: Seed Investment
The ABCD Trust invests in creation of the Ame Sua Mente Institute, a non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting mental health in the school environment.

JHU: Innovation in robotic surgery
The ABCD Trust begins its support for the Brady Urological Institute, affiliated with the Johns Hopkins Hospital in the United States, for the development of robotic surgery.

Support for Bill 402/2008
With technical support from the ABCD Institute and political support from the ABCD Trust, the first version of the bill on the diagnosis and treatment of dyslexia in early education is presented in the Senate.

ABCD Institute Team
The direction of the institution strengthens itself as a collaborative and horizontal organization: Nicolas de Camaret, a technology specialist and one of the trustees of the ABCD Trust, takes over as executive director; and Juliana Amorina, previously technical coordinator, becomes chief executive officer.