- 2020
Ame Sua Mente na Escola: Funding and technical collaboration
The ABCD Trust begins a three-year cycle of support, together with the Umane Association, for the Ame Sua Mente na Escola project. In addition to financial contribution, it promotes dialogue between the Ame Sua Mente Institute and the ABCD Institute, to establish mutual collaborations.
Clinic Goia (CAISM Vila Mariana): Seed investment
The ABCD Trust invests in the creation of the Goia Clinic, which provides mental health services as part of the support for activities at the Center for Integrated Mental Health Care (CAISM Vila Mariana), in the Department of Psychiatry of the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp).
Pandemic: EduEdu and Todos Aprendem Expands
With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the ABCD Trust invests in improved access to the ABCD Institute’s resources: expansion of EduEdu to support parents, guardians, and teachers during remote education; and free availability of the online course Todos Aprendem for elementary school teachers.
Pandemic: Support for the Pró-Saber SP Institute
In the context of a pandemic, the ABCD Trust provides financial support to Pró-Saber SP for the distribution of food aid and reading and play kits to families in Paraisópolis, in the outskirts of São Paulo.