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Ame Sua Mente na Escola

Continuing its partnership with the Ame Sua Mente Institute, which began in 2018 with seed investment, the ABCD Charitable Trust co-financed, together with the Umane Foundation, the Ame Sua Mente na Escola project, which promotes the training of educators from the public education network of the state of São Paulo in mental health, with the following objectives: promoting literacy in mental health; preventing mental disorders in youth; reducing the stigmas of diseases and mental disorders; and resolving mental health problems in the school environment. Between 2020 and 2021, more than 80 schools participated in the mental health training program, through a partnership with the São Paulo State Department of Education. After the course, 84% of the participants reported improvement in their ability to deal with mental health problems presented by students and 85% reported improved ability to refer identified cases.
In addition to financial support, the ABCD Charitable Trust promoted a partnership between the Ame Sua Mente Institute and the ABCD Institute, whose know-how acquired in the Todos Aprendem Continuing Education Project was crucial for Ame Sua Mente na Escola. The resources were also important for the launch of the Ame Sua Mente na Escola, which aims to foster a culture of mental health promotion, prevention and management in the school environment.

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